Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Everyday Talk by John Younts

Everyday Talk: Talking Freely and Naturally about God with Your ChildrenimageEveryday Talk: Talking Freely and Naturally about God with Your Children by John Younts


If you thought parenting was exhausting...wait till your read this book! And not only that, but you will also feel like an utter failure as a parent!


Before you click away because this sounds like a terrible book, let me share that this is THE BEST parenting book I have yet read. Yeah...that should say something because I have read a pile of parenting books!

While Everyday Talk will make it very clear to you that you are an imperfect parent, it will also greatly encourage you, humble you, and fill you with hope that through Christ you can point your children to God through the simplicity of your everyday talk. It's a short book and an easy read with Younts casual, but direct approach. He doesn't waste time trying to convince you of his ideas, but purposefully unpacks and applies scripture to our daily challenged as parents.

As you have already noticed, I like this book. I walked away with so much to apply and for the first time felt such clear purpose in the daily issues that I face as a mother. My favorite chapters were 6 and 7 that dealt directly with the most frustrating parts of parenting. And I also highly appreciated his chapter on music which was short and got right to the heart of the matter rather than being another essay on someone's personal opinion. If I had to sum up what I am walking away with it would be this: "Do I value God's holiness enough to allow it to influence and direct my moment by moment parenting?"

My one and only caution in this book is that Younts focuses a little more on the discipleship of children than the evangelism of children and I think we need to be cautious in that we never assure a child of their salvation or assume it. Not that he outright says this, just that he seems to lean more toward this side of the spectrum.

I recommend this book to parents, and I highly recommend it to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and those who work with kids on a regular basis. While the focus is directed to Moms and Dads, the wisdom and Biblical principals are beneficial to all who interact with children. I think that a parent's child-rearing could be even more effective when godly grandparents are on the same page and supporting their children rather than undermining them or discouraging them. The same goes for teachers, extended family members, and any adult close to the family.

Read and learn again and again with this gospel-centered, everyday book .


  1. Thanks for your kind review! Your summary sentence was on target!


    Jay Younts

  2. Thanks for your kind review! Your summary sentence was on target!


    Jay Younts

  3. Thanks for your comment Jay! It's always a blessing when the author comments. :-) Thanks for writing this book. It will be one I pass out to other parents!


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