Monday, December 21, 2009

Marriage: Whose Dreams? by Paul David Tripp

Marriage: Whose Dreams (Resources for Changing Lives) Marriage: Whose Dreams by Paul David Tripp

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Is your marriage on the verge of breaking? Do you feel like you're being tossed against the rocks on a seashore?

Do you love your spouse yet feel like there is something missing? Are you longing to experience passion again?

Marriage: Whose Dreams? is a short booklet that will help you answer those questions and redirect your thoughts to the purpose of marriage according to God.

In 17 small and simple pages, Paul David Tripp leads you through several passages found in John and in 1 Peter to show you the meaning of your marriage and how you can rejoice no-matter the state of your marriage.

Sit down for 20 minutes and have your thoughts and heart be re-focused on God and His plan for your marriage.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I think Paul must be Tedd's brother? So many good things to read out there!


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