Thursday, February 04, 2010

George Muller: Does Money Grow On Trees by Catherine Mackenzie

George Muller: Does Money Grow on Trees? (Little Lights) George Muller: Does Money Grow on Trees? by Catherine Mackenzie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the name George Muller? Is the same as me - how he prayed for food and a milk wagon broke down right outside the orphanage?

This book for children doesn't talk about that story specifically, but it talks about what Muller was like as a child and how God changed him as an adult. It is a great book to introduce the faith of George Muller to preschool and early elementary kids.

The illustrations are bright and are relatively life like. The storyline is simple yet to the point and full of truth along with the story of Muller. My children beg to read and re-read these stories.

ISBN: 978-1-84550-110-5 Details:
Hardcover / 22 pages
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications

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