Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bringing Up Girls by James C. Dobson

Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women image Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women by James C. Dobson

My rating: 2 of 5 stars


The title of this book pretty much sums up the overall point of this book - bringing up Girls. I, along with many other parents of girls, desire to know how best to raise our daughters, especially during those moments of drama, emotions, and crying that even us grown-up girls just don't "get".

Dr. Dobson presents the basic make-up of a girl both emotionally and physically which aids you in better understanding what girls are experiencing at the various stages they go through. Through out this book he has great insight as well as some practical direction that will help parents of girls. However, for as good as the advice may be, there is one component that really bothers me. Dr. Dobson uses self-esteem as the primary area to focus on in order to "cure" the problems our girls - young and old - face on a routine basis. In my personal opinion based on the lens of Scripture, our girls don't need more self-esteem, they need the love and esteem of Jesus Christ. While Dobson talks about the importance of faith, I feel that he misses the extent and power of the Word of God and the love of God to overcome the challenges our daughters face.

I greatly appreciate some of the concepts and thoughts Dr. Dobson shares, especially his concern for preparing your child for adolescents. But due to the amount of stuff I don't agree with, I can not recommend this book for reading. If you have all the time in the world to read then I might say "read it with great discernment", but if you do not have much time I think there are better parenting books to read that will give sound Biblical advice.

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This review copy was provided Tyndale House Publishers, but the opinions expressed are purely my own.


  1. What does Dobson know about bringing up girls? His fortyish, unmarried daughter certainly doesn't fit the family profile Dobson espouses. And his divorced son doesn't fit what Dobson preaches either. Dobson has not reproduced what he claims families should be.

  2. I am reading the book myself and am enjoying. Since I haven't read the entire book myself, I can't say what my final word is. I do believe that this is generally a good read. I do have some points of disagreement as well (http://wp.me/pVHEm-2T) but overall I like it. Just like you said, you've got to use discernment.


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