Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Costly Call

Last Monday morning, 4am to be exact, I finished reading The Costly Call. It's a book modern-day stories of Muslims who found Jesus. It is informative as it gives you a glimpse into the lives of those believing in Islam. And it is also heartbreaking as you read of what these Christians have had to give up and endure for the sake of believing in Jesus Christ as the One and Only way to heaven.

Since it is broken into 19 chapters - each one person's story - it's an easy read. But I don't think you can read it without having your perspective changed and your heart humbled. I was brought to tears as I read of my brothers and sisters in Christ being disowned, beaten, and watching family members sacrifice their lives.

It's time that each of us, as a disciple of Christ, get serious about praying for our brothers and sisters who are daily persecuted and for the souls longing for purpose but held back by the grips of fear and their culture.

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