Saturday, February 26, 2011

Slave by John MacArthur

imageSlave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in ChristSlave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ by John MacArthur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


According to the back cover of this book there has been quite the cover up happening in our English translations of the Bible. However, a few short pages into the book we find out that most likely it's not intentional. While the promotion for this book may be a bit misleading, the message inside the cover is not. In fact, it will set you back in your chair with a sober "wow!".

I don't consider this book to be an "easy-read", but neither do I think it is hard to read. It is solid theology and historical facts woven together to teach us how we are not just "servants" of Christ, but "slaves". At first glance it doesn't seem to be a big difference but MacArthur shows us the huge difference in no uncertain terms. The look back into the history of the Roman-Greco slaves is fascinating in that understanding that era greatly aids one in understanding the New Testament.

Personally, I enjoyed the entire book for it's eye opening truth, fascinating historical facts, and personal application. The concept that I was once slave to sin, bought as a slave of Christ, and now have been adopted into God's family has radically changed my view on life.

Slave flows from one chapter to another building upon what we know to teach us what it means to be a slave of God. I highly recommend this book to any one - believer or unbeliever - from early teen to any age adult.


Best-selling author and pastor Dr. John MacArthur reveals one crucial word that revolutionizes what it means to follow Jesus.

Throughout the Bible, followers of Jesus are commanded to submit to Him as their King. They are told to obey and follow, faithfully and without hesitation. Every time Christians utter the word Lord, they make a subtle yet profound declaration—that God is their Master and that they belong to Him. In fact, the Bible describes believers as His slaves. They have been bought with a price and now live for Christ as a people for His own possession.

But go into most churches today, even flip through most Bible translations, and you won’t see or hear the word slave anywhere. That’s because it has been lost in translation. In this gripping book, Dr. John MacArthur uses deep Bible teaching and historical evaluation to expertly uncover the one forgotten word that restores the Bible’s definition of true Christian freedom.

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Special thanks to BookSneeze for the courtesy review copy, but the opinion expressed is strictly my own.

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image This book is awarded with the To Read, Or Not To Read badge of distinction  - Best Of The Best - for the fact that because they are so good, they have been added to Mandy’s bookshelf!

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1 comment:

  1. May I suggest you research the endnotes in SLAVE? They are important because nearly all of these references lead to heretical works of modernist and postmodern scholars who deny the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Some of these “scholars” are in fact rabidly anti-Christian, and their works, which Macarthur recommends as authoritative, are filled with slander and blasphemy of the Lord Jesus Christ. One homosexual scholar cited by Macarthur wrote a blasphemous book which attempts to prove that Jesus was a homosexual. (Sex and the Single Savior) Other liberal scholars quoted by Macarthur claim that Christians in the early Church, including the Apostles, not only condoned the institution of slavery but were abusive and immoral slave owners and slave traders just like Roman slave owners/traders. For documentation, read this critical review:



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