One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Stick with me okay?
I began reading this book about 5 months ago via the audio format from Audible downloaded to my Kindle. I listened to the first chapter and never touched the book again. I had heard rave reviews and chatter from bloggers and non-bloggers both about how this book changed their perspective and what a wonderful author Ann Voskamp is. However, I just could not get into it and the first few pages had me loosing focus and interest. It felt wordy and drawn out and frankly, I just couldn't see the point clearly enough.
Yes, however, I picked it back up because I knew there had to be something good in there that I was missing. After all, not every book has an app to go along with it! So I once again plugged it in and this time confined myself to baking for a whole day while I listened to this book being read by the author.
I am not quite sure why this happens, but at times there is just "a right time" to read a certain book and until that time arrives one just never appreciates such a book. This was finally the "right time" because this time I found myself absorbed into the flowing words and vivid descriptions of ordinary moments in life that - seen through the lens of grace - were extraordinary, life altering moments.
While the book could be so much shorter, and the point a lot more clearer at the outset, it would be too easily read and forgotten - leaving no lasting impact and thoughts to ponder. It was a challenge to get into at first but quickly became pure enjoyment. The more I read the more I was encouraged, challenged, convicted, delighted, overwhelmed, and in awe. Ann Voskamp paints a beautiful picture of what it is like to live in every moment - what we deem good and bad - with a heart that seeks God's gifts to us. She strips us of our idea of "good gifts" and invites us and walks with us on a journey to see every moment as a gift from God.
I feel like no words I possibly write could do justice to describing this book. At first if felt like a hard read, but now I stand at the back cover realizing it was hard because sometimes life is hard and yet there is a deep beauty that comes from hard things.
One Thousand Gifts is a perfect read for anyone no matter what your stage or phase of life is. We all need to be dared to live life more fully right where we are.
going on my list!