Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10 Things Every Minister’s Wife Needs To Know by Jeana Floyd

10 Things Every Minister's Wife Needs to Knowimage10 Things Every Minister's Wife Needs to Know by Jeana Floyd
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This beautifully bound book and it's old-looking pages warmly welcomes you to open it up and sit down for a good "chat" with the author, Jeana Floyd. The title is exactly what the book is about - 10 things for us "Pastor's Wives" to know - and I appreciated Jeana's direct approach to diving right in to those 10 things.

I enjoyed this book for it's very practical application and straightforward approach. It's clear and concise without a lot of theory and personal speculation. I also respected Jeana for her humbleness in how she incorporated an "Interactive Testimony" into each chapter. I personally was most encouraged by "Let the Men Be the Men" and "It's KOOL2BAPK". She brings for some great truth in simple terms.

I have read many book aimed at Pastor's Wives and this seems to address the same issues as many others do as well. I would recommend this one to anyone, but more so if you are looking for a simple and shorter read. Coming back to the simple list of "10 things" will most likely be an encouragement for years to come after you have set the book down.


n ministry, survival can mean a lot of things — such as the difference between “existing” in a place and “thriving” in a place of ministry. It can mean you surviving your husband’s job joyfully, or grudgingly. One thing is for sure, your survival and the way you feel about ministry are critical to your husband’s success.
– Jeana Floyd

A strong marriage plays a pivotal role in the success of a ministry. Being the wife of a minister can be tremendously rewarding, but it is also a commitment of time, personal investment, and patience. Ministry is a challenging vocation, even in the best of times. Jeana Floyd knows these challenges well and has created this faith-affirming guide for pastors’ wives. Sharing years of wisdom and insight from her participation in her husband’s growing and visionary ministry, 10 Things Every Minister’s Wife Needs to Know is filled with practical tips on marriage, prayer, stewardship, parenting, and faith. With “interactive testimonies” included from other wives of pastors at the end of each chapter, the book shares poignant and powerful insights any woman or wife can appreciate.

Jeana Floyd has been a pastor’s wife for over 32 years. Jeana lives in Springdale, Arkansas, with her husband, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, who is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Springdale and the Church at Pinnacle Hills. She is the mother of two sons: Josh, who is married to Kate, and Nick, who is married to Meredith. She is also a grandmother of four, and the author of the book An Uninvited Guest, published in 2007.

5 x 8 • 160 pages • Case Bound

* * * * *

This review copy was provided courtesy of New Leaf Press but the opinion expressed was strictly my own and was in no way compensated.

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